Inside Static Media

Static Media

We give readers what they want, before they want it.

Home of Looper, Nicki Swift, Grunge, Mashed, The List, SVG, Health Digest, House Digest, /Film, SlashGear, Glam, Tasting Table, Wrestling Inc., Daily Meal, Explore, Women, Food Republic, Foodie, Money Digest, Chowhound, and Outdoor Guide


With up-to-the-minute news, original insights, exclusive interviews, and expert advice to make every day better, Static Media's ever-growing family of websites gives readers the great content they crave. From original recipes to movie reviews to travel guides, Static Media has you covered.

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The Perks


All of our freelance writing and editing positions are work-from-home, and provide the freedom to choose whatever hours work best for you.

Global Reach

The content you create will be seen by millions of people, both on the web and on YouTube, SnapChat, IG TV, and Facebook Video.